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@epilot/pricing / Exports

Pricing Library

A library that provides pricing utility operations for Pricing Entities within the epilot 360 Platform, such as calculation of price item totals and aggregated totals. The purpose of this library is to provide support for common pricing concerns to all our APIs, micro-frontends and epilot Journeys.

Getting Started

Install the package:

yarn add @epilot/pricing
npm install --save @epilot/pricing


This library is made available as an open source contribution to the community to ensure that all our clients and integrators can have the flexibility to build their own custom frontends and integrations with our platform 1.

However, this library is not intended to be used as a standalone product and it is not supported by epilot as such. If you have any questions or need help with this library, please contact your team.

  1. With love & dedication by ❤️ tauro.