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Workflow in progress

[API Docs] [SDK]

Workflows consist of two primary components, and their advancement can be interpreted in various ways depending on specific factors.

Workflows components:

  • Task
  • Phase


A task represents an individual unit of work.

workflow task


Phases are another integral part of workflows, with the distinction that phases can encompass tasks.

workflow phase

Progression Tracking

The progression within a workflow is visualized through the combined use of tasks, phases, and the status field.


The status fields, used to indicate the state of the workflow and its components, are as follows:

  • workflows status: STARTED, CANCELLED, DONE
  • phase status: OPEN, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED

Phase status logic

  • OPEN
    • contains at least 1 OPEN and none IN_PROGRESS/DONE/SKIPPED tasks
    • the first phase of a started workflow
    • contains at least 1 IN_PROGRESS task
    • contains at least 1 DONE/SKIPPED task BUT not all tasks are DONE/SKIPPED (implying work has started on the phase)
    • considering linear workflows, a phase which follows a COMPLETED phase/task AND contains the NEXT_OPEN_TASK
    • all tasks DONE or SKIPPED

⚠️ Statuses play a crucial role when data is presented based on them. One approach to monitoring workflow progress is by tallying and considering phases in the IN_PROGRESS state. workflow phases in progress

Current Workflow Position

Another valuable tool for monitoring workflow progression is the concept of the current task and current phase.

  • current task

In a sequential workflow, the current task is always the first task that falls into one of the following states: ASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED, IN_PROGRESS when viewing the workflow from top to bottom, regardless of whether the task is at the root level or a child of a phase. workflow current task The current task is identifiable by a blue border when viewing a workflow.

  • current phase

Similar to the current task, the current phase is represented by a phase that contains the current task as one of its children. In the image below, "Prüfung" is the current phase. workflow current phase

⚠️ The present positions of tasks and phases within the workflow are employed when updating entity attributes. Workflow configurations can enable the updating of entity attributes directly from the workflow hub, as illustrated in the image below: workflow configure entity update workflow entity attribute updated