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Submissions are entities that store raw data collected from Journeys or other outside data sources into epilot.

Submissions are created via the Submission API.

Submission Entity​

A Submission entity does not have a fixed schema for all its data like other business entities, but rather is designed to collect the raw JSON payload to be further processed in other entities.

A typical use of submissions is to map the incoming submission payload into further business entities like Contacts, Opportunities and Orders using Automation.

Submission Example

Submission API​

The Submission API can be used by external journeys to create Submission entities.

See [Submission API Docs] for examples.

Passing Files​

Submission API can be used together with File API to pass file uploads to submissions using the following flow:

Use the uploadFile or uploadFilePublic operation of File API to generate a temporary upload URL and receive an s3ref:


Request Body:

// application/json
"filename": "document.pdf",
"mime_type": "application/pdf"

Response (200):

// application/json
"s3ref": {
"bucket": "epilot-user-content",
"key": "temp/123/4d689aeb-1497-4410-a9fe-b36ca9ac4389/document.pdf"
"upload_url": ""

Then, upload a file with a PUT operation to the generated upload_url. (Hint: make sure you pass the correct Content-Type header and encoding!)


Request Body:

(binary data)

After the file has uploaded, pass the s3ref in the entities.*.files attribute in your Submission API payload:


Request Body:

// application/json
"organization_id": "123",
"source_type": "api",
"source_id": "example",
"entities": [
"_schema": "submission",
"description": "Submission with files",
"files": [
"s3ref": {
"bucket": "epilot-user-content",
"key": "temp/123/4d689aeb-1497-4410-a9fe-b36ca9ac4389/document.pdf"